2009的DIOR CRUISE好美喔~~ 一年比一年亮眼~~真的很讓人想去度假
令人不注目也難囉!! 好期待看到實品~~
「Live the Dream;Live the Dior」活在當下、活出Dior。時尚像製造夢想的發電機,為枯橾的人生發動歡愉的熱力和希望。昨天紐約五十九街Dior「早春」Cruise系列激盪出09年春季「女人該穿什麼去度假?」 Dior鬼才大師John Galliano的答案是,「濃郁的墨西哥風情,加上誇張的裝飾藝術。」
Galliano看好美國富豪市場,第3度率眾把早春Cruise的秀從巴黎搬到紐約,主題和度假很切題,是Pool Side Party泳池派對。由餐廳布置成墨西哥著名的旅遊度假景點Acapulco,篩選了近500位名流,包括和Galliano私交甚篤的「姊妹淘」莎莉賽隆、珍妮佛洛佩茲和章子怡。
手拿墨西哥大圓帽的模特兒一一展示著華麗、帶著民俗感的泳裝、正式晚禮服,果真充滿度假歡愉的氣氛。連泳裝和鞋跟上都少不了刺繡的Cruise早春系列,Dior似乎看中了這塊有錢人出遊、比美行頭的市場,09年春季Dior Cruise可以說跳脫以往聊備一格的泳裝和簡單洋裝的風格。
John Galliano說,這一季早春,他想到美國60年代Vogue雜誌總編輯Diana Vreeland,鮮豔的色彩並且運用雪紡紗做許多不同效果的縐摺,當然不能缺了豹紋印花;為了顧及度假行程的方便性,雪紡紗剪裁的輕便褲裙也被當作Couture House「高級訂製服」來製作,因為這些不太擔心製作成本的Cruise度假系列,賣的永遠是女人做也做不完的春夢。
NEW YORK, May 12, 2008 – John Galliano marked the unofficial kickoff to a season that retailers and even editors have all but officially accepted as full-fledged. (Can't you just sense the ticking clock strapped to its haphazard, spread-out schedule?) He did so for the third year running with the full pomp and celebrity we've come to expect chez Dior. Like iron shavings drawn to a magnet, a fleet of town cars bounced along underneath the 59th Street bridge and disgorged their precious cargo—Jennifer Lopez (with an adoring Marc Anthony), Christina Aguilera, Lauren Hutton, Charlize Theron—outside the soaring, vaulted space of Guastavino's restaurant.