等了好久~~ 終於到手囉! 感謝ANGEL從LA幫我買到^__^


村上隆終於又與LV配合出新的款式, 而且是最近最紅的NEVERFULL款~有三種尺寸
但是這次只有在LA MOCA買的到
好可愛喔!!! 超想要的!!
Neverfull PM $860
Neverfull MM $940
Neverfull GM $960
Porte Monnaie Ronde $270
Monogram Canvas Agenda $500
Black & White Multicolore Agenda $700

村上隆黏LV辦展 蜘蛛人出勤

日本藝術鬼才村上隆(Takashi Murakami)與Louis Vuitton(LV)攜手於美國洛杉磯當代美術館(MOCA)舉辦展覽,展出村上隆個人以及與LV合作的作品,LV並為這場展覽推出多款限量商品。
29日開幕派對星光雲集,包括時尚金童Tom Ford、「蜘蛛人」陶比麥奎爾(Tobey Maguire)、歐文威爾遜(Owen Wilson)以及超模辛蒂克勞馥(Cindy Crawford)、娜歐咪坎貝爾(Naomi Campbell)等都盛裝出席捧場。

村上隆與LV從2003年開始合作推出櫻花包、櫻包、櫻桃包等商品,成功炒熱藝術與商業的結合。這場在洛杉磯MOCA舉行的展覽,雙方再度合作,展場分成兩部分,一是村上隆個人藝術創作,一是歷年與LV合作的商品。 LV在MOCA內特地開設一間短期限量專賣店,村上隆則設計全新的香菇男孩圖案,推出3款香菇男孩記事本,此外還有手繪LV字樣的Neverfull包包及零錢包,這些商品只於展覽期間在MOCA內的LV店販賣。

LV創意總監Marc Jacobs表示:「LV和村上隆的跨界合作為整個時尚圈帶來深遠的影響,從過去、現在到未來都會是藝術與商業最成功的結合。」村上隆本人也將於下月30日來台演講。

Takashi Murakami show opens today at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angels. The craze, rush, and madness of people, though, is not to purchase tickets to the show, but to get their hands on the limited edition Louis Vuitton Neverfull tote. The tote, designed by Mr. Murakami, will be avilable today, while supplies last. It comes in three sizes (ranging in prices between $875-$965) with an oversized "LV" in psychedelic colors, emblazoned with a pair of hands and smiling flowers. You will also be able to purchase the agenda, which also comes in three styles ($500-$700), and features a new Murakami character, Chibi Kinoko (meaning "little mushroom"); a truer collector's piece.


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