台灣Juicy Couture才剛開幕
Jessica Szohr, Blake Lively and Penn Badgley mingled with some real life gossip girls at the grand opening party for Juicy Couture's 5th Avenue flagship store in New York City. "They're so cute. Mostly they want to take a picture with me and they want me to tell them what Chace Crawford is really like," Szohr said of the Upper East Side teens who flooded in to get a first look at the label's new digs. And while navigating the sea of fans may have been a little complicated, the comfy clothes weren't. "I changed into this on the way here from another event and I hadn't even tried it on," Szohr said of her green frock. "That's what I love about Juicy, it's so easy!"
—Bronwyn Barnes
從帽子 圍巾 項鍊
景氣低迷,台北時尚圈好久沒有新品牌了。昨天來自美國加州的年輕品牌Juicy Couture登陸台北「微風」百貨,為時尚圈帶來新氣息。
「兩個加州女孩誤闖英國博物館」在這樣的創意出發下,1988年Pamela Skaist-Levy和Gela Taylor因而創立了Juicy Couture品牌。
仿古的維多利亞圖騰配上陽光風情的連帽運動服;甜蜜的粉紅色融合骨董燙金印染單品,Juicy女裝巧妙結合美式休閒和英式龐克風,為年輕女性帶來新鮮而古靈精怪的創意。許多明星如瑪丹娜等都是Juicy的愛用者,Juicy最有名的連帽運動服甚至被英國Victoria & Albert博物館列為永遠收藏之一。
今年秋冬,Juicy Couture 招牌連帽運動服以酒紅、漸層拼接的設計帶出青春氣息。
Juicy Couture強打之一的飾品也很有賣相,靈感來自倫敦跳蚤市場的二手感飾品,大而誇張的戒指、手鍊和項圈,兼具精緻和頹廢感。